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United States, 1968-2020

Data Table

CSV Excel
Years Deaths per Million for 65+ Year-Olds
2020 45,610
2019 39,092
2018 40,006
2017 40,608
2016 40,684
2015 41,737
2014 41,597
2013 42,638
2012 43,053
2011 44,285
2010 44,658
2009 44,467
2008 46,414
2007 46,412
2006 47,342
2005 48,791
2004 48,495
2003 50,312
2002 51,002
2001 50,961
2000 51,457
1999 51,651
1998 50,643
1997 50,256
1996 50,193
1995 50,174
1994 49,881
1993 50,280
1992 48,684
1991 49,150
1990 49,632
1989 50,121
1988 51,460
1987 50,958
1986 51,302
1985 51,750
1984 51,186
1983 51,350
1982 50,565
1981 51,173
1980 52,520
1979 50,682
1978 52,080
1977 52,058
1976 53,561
1975 53,532
1974 55,894
1973 58,032
1972 58,702
1971 58,336
1970 59,174
1969 60,193
1968 61,439

Data Sources

Population Statistics

2017-2019 — Population by United States Jurisdictions

United States Census Bureau. American Community Survey. ACS Demographic and Housing Estimates.
Available from:

1968-2016 — Population by United States Jurisdictions

National Center for Health Statistics. Mortality Data on CDC WONDER.
Available from:

Vital Statistics

2015-2020 — All-Cause Mortality for United States Jurisdictions

Used for 2015-2020 weekly data, but only for 2017-2020 annual data.
National Center for Health Statistics. Weekly counts of deaths by jurisdiction and age group.
Available from:
Weighted (predicted) provisional counts are used in these graphs. Data imported 3/1/21.

"Both unweighted and weighted (predicted) provisional counts are provided. Weighting of provisional counts is done to account for potential underreporting in the most recent weeks. However, data for the most recent week(s) are still likely to be incomplete. Only about 60% of deaths are reported within 10 days of the date of death, and there is considerable variation by jurisdiction and age. The completeness of provisional data varies by cause of death and by age group. However, the weights applied do not account for this variability. Therefore, the predicted numbers of deaths may be too low for some age groups and causes of death. For example, provisional data on deaths among younger age groups is typically less complete than among older age groups. Predicted counts may therefore be too low among the younger age groups. More detail about the methods, weighting, data, and limitations can be found in the Technical Notes."

1968-2016 — All-Cause Mortality for United States Jurisdictions

National Center for Health Statistics. Compressed Mortality Data on CDC WONDER.
Available from: