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United States, 1968-2020

Data Table

CSV Excel
Years % Increase Over Previous 5-Year Average of Deaths per Million of U.S. 2019 Standardized Population
2020 16.6%
2019 -1.19%
2018 -0.0246%
2017 0.958%
2016 -0.549%
2015 -0.133%
2014 -1.86%
2013 -1.95%
2012 -3.07%
2011 -3.01%
2010 -4.16%
2009 -5.55%
2008 -3.95%
2007 -5.86%
2006 -5.43%
2005 -3.87%
2004 -5.43%
2003 -2.61%
2002 -1.68%
2001 -2.19%
2000 -1.8%
1999 -1.8%
1998 -3.59%
1997 -3.53%
1996 -2.64%
1995 -1.8%
1994 -2.23%
1993 -1.94%
1992 -5.35%
1991 -4.64%
1990 -3.95%
1989 -3.4%
1988 -1.02%
1987 -1.7%
1986 -1.19%
1985 -1.02%
1984 -2.07%
1983 -2.24%
1982 -4.01%
1981 -3.43%
1980 -1.35%
1979 -6.1%
1978 -5.63%
1977 -7.64%
1976 -6.75%
1975 -8.95%
1974 -6.65%
1973 -4.35%
1972 0%
1971 0%
1970 0%
1969 0%
1968 0%

Example of Scaling Mortality to a Standard Age Group Distribution

The goal here is to somewhat control for changes in this population's demographics over time. This is just one big variable in the mix, but it is very important as there are many more people are living longer. A person's age range is not always known for every death. 10,000 per million equals 1%.

In 2000, United States had an estimated 2,403,196 deaths, or 8,557 per million.
2000 United States Estimated Population 2000 United States Estimated Deaths 2000 United States Crude Mortality Rate U.S. 2019 Age Group Standardized Million Estimated 2000 United States Deaths per U.S. 2019 Age Group Standardized Million
Under 25 98,951,074 71,650 0.07241% x 314,834 = 228
25-44 85,006,908 130,249 0.1532% x 266,553 = 408
45-64 61,923,065 401,187 0.6479% x 253,873 = 1,645
65-74 18,383,891 441,209 2.4% x 96,197 = 2,309
75-84 12,356,498 700,445 5.669% x 49,172 = 2,787
85+ 4,236,788 658,171 15.53% x 19,371 = 3,009
Total 280,858,224 2,402,911 1,000,000 10,386

Data Sources

Population Statistics

2017-2019 — Population by United States Jurisdictions

United States Census Bureau. American Community Survey. ACS Demographic and Housing Estimates.
Available from:

1968-2016 — Population by United States Jurisdictions

National Center for Health Statistics. Mortality Data on CDC WONDER.
Available from:

Vital Statistics

2015-2020 — All-Cause Mortality for United States Jurisdictions

Used for 2015-2020 weekly data, but only for 2017-2020 annual data.
National Center for Health Statistics. Weekly counts of deaths by jurisdiction and age group.
Available from:
Weighted (predicted) provisional counts are used in these graphs. Data imported 3/1/21.

"Both unweighted and weighted (predicted) provisional counts are provided. Weighting of provisional counts is done to account for potential underreporting in the most recent weeks. However, data for the most recent week(s) are still likely to be incomplete. Only about 60% of deaths are reported within 10 days of the date of death, and there is considerable variation by jurisdiction and age. The completeness of provisional data varies by cause of death and by age group. However, the weights applied do not account for this variability. Therefore, the predicted numbers of deaths may be too low for some age groups and causes of death. For example, provisional data on deaths among younger age groups is typically less complete than among older age groups. Predicted counts may therefore be too low among the younger age groups. More detail about the methods, weighting, data, and limitations can be found in the Technical Notes."

1968-2016 — All-Cause Mortality for United States Jurisdictions

National Center for Health Statistics. Compressed Mortality Data on CDC WONDER.
Available from: